Thursday, August 12, 2010

My journey through Leviticus

So as I am continue to read Leviticus, I am wondering what would it have been like to be there on that first day when all the offerings had been given at the Tent of Meeting and out of no where fire comes down from the sky and consumes the offering? All of this comes from Leviticus 7-9, mostly 9.

The scripture tells us that the people shouted and fall on their faces. Here you are observing the first offering in this awesome place and the glory of the Lord shows up- better than awesome! and then as if that isn't enough fire comes out from before the Lord and consumes these offerings that had just been made on your behalf.

I'm wondering what was in the minds of those people. I'd love to hear the stories they have to tell. I would imagine some would say 'I was doing my daily routine and Moses called out to us. So I put down what I was doing and was one of the first to arrive. Then Aaron and his sons start throwing blood on me. My wife is not going to like getting the blood stains out of this tunic! and then after the blood, Aaron blesses us. Then this wonderful, peaceful feeling came over me as I knew that something awesome was happening. A cloud descended from the sky and the presence of the Lord was felt by all who were around. Then suddenly seemingly out of no where fire comes down and captures the offerings. I am awestruck and the only thing I can do is shout praises to the Lord and fall to my knees with my face to the ground. This is a day I will remember for all time!'

Try to find a moment today to be so amazed by what God has done that the only thing you can do is shout praises to the Lord and fall face down onto your knees. He is good in all things.

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