Saturday, April 21, 2012

Infertility Journey

So, in December Nick and I decided to take a new step in our 7 year journey to parenthood.  We made the decision to begin Clomid treatments to see if that would help us begin our family.  Our doctor was so positive and said she thought, based on our medical history that this would be a great option for us.  Fear and held us back from making this decision earlier in this journey.  We began by taking 50mg for days 4-8 of my cycle.  Then I had to take ovulation tests daily from day 7 to 28.

The first cycle worked as expected.  I ovulated, but did not become pregnant.  Then in January, I took the same amount of Clomid, but this time I did not ovulate.  My doctor said that this is not abnormal.  We increased the dosage to 100 mg and I ovulated again.  This time I became pregnant.

You can imagine my excitement to see a positive test after just over 7 yrs of negative tests.  I wanted to wait to tell Nick until I had a chance to take a few more tests.  Those of you who know me well, can guess that that did not happen.  He knew by 10 am.  Within the next week I took three more pregnancy tests and all of them were positive.  So I made the call to my doctor to make an appointment to hear the good news from her.

My appointment was made for Good Friday.  I would be 5 weeks for my first visit and I was so excited.  Watching Nick's joy and excitement grow was such a blessing to me.   There are no words to describe the transition from husband to father that took place so easily and in such a short amount of time.  When we were at the doctor's office I began bleeding and my doctor said that I was probably having a miscarriage, but she said it is possible that I could still have a healthy pregnancy with bleeding at this stage.  We drew some blood and were told to take it easy over the weekend and come back on Monday for additional blood work to determine the viability of the pregnancy.

The good news is that it looks as though the treatments can work.  Additionally, we get to try three more ovulatory months with the Clomid.  so in Nick's words, "We have more bullets."  The doctor and I didn't get it at first either, but yes we have more chances before having to take the next step in this infertility journey.

1 comment:

Cat said...

Love you, friend. Thanks for sharing this!